What We’re Learning…
Surprise… constantly seem to be stepping into all kinds of kaka and making a real mess of things, here’s a small sample…
Assuming most locals (store keepers, taxi drivers, etc) speak english, they generally do not.
Assuming we can speak the local dialect, we cannot, as yet (notwithstanding our heartfelt “hello” and “thank-you” that somehow always seems to make the locals smile or laugh).
Thinking you always have to be doing something — its ok to take 5 minutes, relax and enjoy a coffee, song or the world passing by…
Expecting drivers to follow posted traffic signs or laws, they’re mostly optional.
There’s pretty much two types of drivers for hire, the kind who takes it slow and easy, relax, no worries, we’ll all get there… expect to get the other kind’
Thinking you can get up (or stay up) late in the day, sunrise and sunset is at 6 am/pm everyday (if you forget, the roosters, dogs and song birds will be glad to remind you).
Paying more than $25/month for my cell phone, going to downsize to the all-you-can-eat $12/month plan.
Doing laundry, you can get it all done (wonderfully) for pennies on the pound — not that you need that many clothes 🙂
Forgetting to leave a little food on my plate (except rice) — finishing everything typically indicates you’re still hungry (which is often the case) — and I have to stop licking my fingers.
Thinking you can actually cook up a local dish, you can try but its never as good as the $1 blue plate special from almost any street vendor.